Q: Is "One Manga Day" free?
A: Yes! The game is absolutely free, you do not need to pay money for it.
Q: Is "One Manga Day" opensource?
A: Yes! Code licensed under GPLv3, resources under CC-BY-4.0. Link to source code: https://github.com/DeXP/onemangaday
Q: Is the game made by only one person?
A: By and large, yes. But many people have helped me: proofreading and translation of texts, ideas, additional 3D-models, countenance, etc.
Q: Who helped with the creation of the game? A: English translation:
Mari Prianaja
General English proofreading and quality control:
Mangles a.k.a. Richard Hogan; Warren 'Wazza' Brent
English text proofreading:
bluecasuality@gmail.com (Day 1); EeuorT a.k.a. Robert Nesbitt (Day 2, 7); PintSizedPurple a.k.a. Will Williams (Day 3, 4); Mangles a.k.a. Richard Hogan (Day 5); Warren 'Wazza' Brent (Day 6)
Russian text proofreading:
Selene=) a.k.a. Berezovskaya Lyubava; Mari Prianaja
Translations into other languages:
Polish: damianklu a.k.a. Damian K.
Storyline support:
Lybares a.k.a. Gubar Lubov; Malvina a.k.a. Skryabina Tatyana; lapschedui a.k.a. Pogorelchenko Ludmila
Imaging assistants:
eng. Zubr a.k.a. Burim Alex
Ulilla a.k.a. Baykova Yulia; Bismut a.k.a. Zhavoronkov Dmitry; All Steam beta-testers
Q: Characters are deeply worked. How did you do it?
A: The prototype of each character is a living human. Yes, not all true, but I tried my best.