Here you can find some tutorials about logo creation in Manga Maker Comipo.
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WebMoney logo in Comipo / 2015-01-05

We will use techniques, described in Steam logo Comipo tutorial to create a WebMoney logo. First, you need to put existence WebMoney logo picture into background layer. Then put on top of it the base sphere. Decorate sphere and add cubes. The WebMoney logo main feature is a gradient blue parts and their interaction with each other:
Read moreSteam logo Comipo / 2014-12-31

Steam logo creation is almost the same to Android logo creation. With few differences. First: it is not enought only spheres and cyllinders. Second: you need accurate geometry, to correctly display the conjugation. You need to import existance Steam logo image to Comipo to reach geometry accuracy. You can drag&drop image directly from file manager, or add it via “User Image” tab:
Read moreAndroid logo Comipo / 2014-12-29

To create Android logo robot you need primitives from “3D Item” tab, “91. Primitive”. In concrete, you need: column, sphere, box. Thats all, nothing more.
Read moreAmazon logo in Comipo / 2014-12-27

In the case of Amazon logo must pay more attention to the font name. Then the logo will be recognizable.
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